09-10 Between Homogeneity and Heterogeneity

Exploration of a System:

The component has been lifted to create space between two surfaces with a continuous relation between the two. These rules were applied to a physical model over a mat which varies in different sized components over a grid, the mat works with continuous lines travelling over the mat in both directions and other instances these lines are broken due to the nature of the different sized tiles.

Exploration of Pattern Iterations 02:

Through the use of the grasshopper plug-in for rhino different components are tested on different situations to explore their geometry at different extremes dependent on the environment given.

Exploration of Pattern Iterations:

Through the use of the grasshopper plug-in for rhino four variations of voronoi could easily be modelled. To begin with points were laid out by clustering a few together with the rest around the perimeter this achieved differentiation between the voronoi cells.

Progress Book Page 06-07

Progress Book Page 04-05

Progress Book Page 02-03

Between Homogeneity and Heterogeneity:

Short listing four patterns that range from having a homogeneous to heterogeneous nature.

The patterns here either have a set of simple rule, which are applied to any condition- as a result a patterned field is formed from locale rules. Or the pattern is based on a simple geometrical shape, which is then given a rule to divide the shape into other shapes- as a result forming other different shapes within the previous shape. This continues for many iterations and the pattern is read by repeating the beginning tile so that it becomes a set ground for other figures to be pulled out from the field.

6 Responses to “09-10 Between Homogeneity and Heterogeneity”

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